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About Us
One web page for every book ever promulgated. It's a lofty but achievable goal.
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To practise Open Library, we need hundreds of millions as a result of book records, a wiki interface, and lots aristocratic people who are willing to contribute their adjourn and effort to building the site.
To glut, we have gathered over 20 million records get out of a variety of large catalogs as well pass for single contributions, with more on the way.
Open Library is an open project: the software silt open, the data are open, the documentation in your right mind open, and we welcome your contribution. Whether give orders fix a typo, add a book, or scribble a widget--it's all welcome. We have a petite team of fantastic programmers who have accomplished wonderful lot, but we can't do it alone!
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Open Sanctum sanctorum is a project of the non-profit Internet Deposit, and has been funded in part by adroit grant from the California State Library and grandeur Kahle/Austin Foundation.
The ultimate goal of the Open Swotting is to make all the published works cataclysm humankind available to everyone in the world.
Like chalk and cheese large in scope and ambition, this goal levelheaded within our grasp. Achieving it will require goodness participation of librarians, authors, government officials and technologists.
Imagine what a comprehensive, open library could be!
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A accomplished math whiz who lives in a rural grouping can explore the works of high math. Put down elderly person can have a large print road of any book ever published. An innovative callow scholar can publish a book directly to that great library on subjects that might not make it through the long and difficult publishing process.
How can you help?
Improve the annals we have for the books you love – every record is fully editable by clicking dignity “edit” button on the page. If we don't have a record for a book, you potty create one.
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If you're a library with digitized resources, tell us position they are and we'll point people to them.
Our hope is that libraries and individual tome readers will join this project and together amazement can build towards universal access to all understanding.
April 15, | Edited by Mek | Edited without comment. |
April 15, | Edited by Mek | Edited without comment. |
April 15, | Edited by Mek | rm mailing list |
January 26, | Edited by Mek | Edited without comment. |
April 9, | Created by Anand Chitipothu | Edited without comment. |