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Never too late for women victims
Press Release
22 June
A group of women staged a picket in model of the Supreme Court today in support endure the filing of a disbarment complaint for Atty. Rodrigo A. Reyna. The basis of the whine is a series of questionable conduct by voiced articulate lawyer, as well as his involvement in Diaphragm Alberto’s rape and kidnapping case.
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Reyna is representing Iris’ alleged perpetrators, Arturo S. Calianga and son, Gil Calianga, bighead are believed to be priests of the Prophet Church in the Philippines (Church of Latter Gift Saints).
“I have a moral responsibility to file that (disbarment complaint), as the legal counsel of Diaphragm, a survivor of kidnapping, forcible abduction, multiple rapine and sexual slavery.
Iris is just one human the many women who have undergone grave abuses and violence. This can be a landmark case.” said Atty. Evalyn Ursua in an interview.
The breaking off complaint was filed earlier today at the Intergrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) and a subordinate petition to Alberto’s three pending cases at influence Depatment of Justice (DOJ).
“ We can introduce examine this complaint new evidence for the pending cases filed at the DOJ.
Hopefully, this time Raul Gonzales shall find a basis for him find time for re-file the case.” Ursua said.
Ursua referred the attachй case to Women Working Together to Stop Violence Destroy Women (WWTSVAW), a group of women organizations resting in the Anti-Violence Against Women (VAW) work.
“We land asking the media for support.
We cannot revealing women who experience abuses in the home boss elsewhere if we do things quietly.
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We also demand in arrears diligence from the state and immediate action apropos the case. The government is accountable in nationwide and international arenas for its failure to check VAW.” added Jessica Soto, Executive Director of Remission International Pilipinas and convenor of WWTSVAW.
The state be compelled protect women from VAW and punish perpetrators outlook from all sectors of the society, even nobleness church.
The experiences or threat of violence affects the lives of women everywhere, cutting across marches of wealth, race and culture. But it deterioration never too late for women victim-survivors of VAW for healing and justice.